
My Bright Word
A series of Discourses from His early Teaching Years, Avatar Adi Da Communicates the summary of His Teaching-Revelation, and addresses areas such as money, food & sex, vital shock and the assumption of a separate individual self, the unique function of a Guru and more.

We Are Consciousness Itself
Because Consciousness Itself is the reality that pervades all of human existence, Adi Da calls it “the True Water of life”—the deep well of Truth that is the real Source of our living.

The Aletheon
Avatar Adi Da’s “radical” Criticism of ego-life and His penetrating Consideration of true and false understandings of God, religion, and human existence altogether. It includes His unique Revelation of the Divinely Enlightened Condition and His Divine Self-Confession of His own Purpose and Work and His summary description of the practice He Offers to all who are moved to become His devotees.

Not-Two Is Peace
In this book, Adi Da speaks to the necessity of re-establishing human civilization based on principles of mutual trust, cooperation, tolerance, “prior unity”, and the limitless participation of all humankind in transforming its own destiny.